Once is not custom among minimiams: Sex!!

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what’s got into you?
Well it’s a discovery in a German supermarket. The name of this chocolate bite surprised me a little in the middle of the children’s food department. Without having a twisted mind, I immediately visualized what Super Dick might look like if he was humanoid.
In addition, a few years ago I had discovered in an Alsatian walker bites of the same appearance, but did not name me had ‘a href'”https://minimiam.com/en/le-marche-de-noel/” rel ‘noopener noreferrer” target ”blank’ ”not really inspired
Gustatively it’s unfortunately quite disappointing. The chocolate cover and poor quality, and marshmallow is only a pro-tooth decay glucose emulsion. Only the biscuit, which gives the whole an interesting chew saves a little pleasure. nevertheless it remains very pleasant to chew, just for the feeling, and this is perhaps the origin of the name because it is a little orgasmic …

the diptych is to be seen in the gallery